Category Archives: Announcements

Ortografía Paso a Paso is ready on App Store

The follow-up for the “Lee Paso a Paso” series is finally here. With “Ortografía Paso a Paso” learn through interactive games the basic rules for accentuation of the Spanish language.

Learn and practice the following concepts:

· Identifying the sílaba tónica
· Words classified as Agudas
· Words classified as Graves or Llanas
· Words classified as Esdrújulas
· Words classified as Sobreesdrújulas
· Accentuation of Agudas, Graves, Esdrújulas and Sobreesdrújulas words.
· Diptongos
· Hiatos

Things to Learn first anniversary !

Thanks for your support, we added new features for our digital kids.

* Added ability to select a photo for the user in users profiles (Thanks for your feedback).
* Now you can add videos to tests.
* Reduce app size by eliminating add words from list dictionary. The decision was taken because the app has Text to Speech option. Please give us feedback if anyone misses this feature.
* Added configurable promotion screen.
* Redesign the settings screen.

Additionally we update the app icon.

Things to Learn v2.0 is available

New features !
* Text to Speech option choose from 27 different languages. Decide whether to record your voice (iOS 6 or later) or use TTS (iOS 7 or later) in tests.
* Add images in tests.
* When using Text to Speech, added functionality that will permit you to hear the complete sentence in the question by replacing blanks with the answer.
Example: The _____ drank milk. Will be heard as The cat drank milk. Check help section inside the app for more tips.
* Convert Questionnaire to Multiple Choice test or vice versa.
* Settings screen redesigned.
* Compatibility with iOS 6 and 7.
* iOS 5 is no longer supported.



Welcome to our adventure of creating applications that help our children in this phase of technological evolution in which we are currently in.  The use of tablets and mobile devices is increasingly and building applications that help in their daily process of education, is one of our main objectives.

We hope that these apps can help them and any comments for improvement are truly welcomed.