All posts by adminBQWareOrig2022

MommyMaestra comments “Lee Paso a Paso”

Today\’s app was recommended by a reader. Lee Paso a Paso is available in a free Lite version, or a more comprehensive version available for purchase here. I would recommend you download the free version and see if you like it, first. I don\’t have any experience with it, but I wanted to share it with those of you looking for Spanish educational apps. You made it pretty clear on FB that you want Spanish apps that are interactive and require thinking on your child\’s part. So I thought the best way to do this feature was to share the developer\’s explanation of the app and let you be the judge.



Welcome to our adventure of creating applications that help our children in this phase of technological evolution in which we are currently in.  The use of tablets and mobile devices is increasingly and building applications that help in their daily process of education, is one of our main objectives.

We hope that these apps can help them and any comments for improvement are truly welcomed.