All posts by adminBQWareOrig2022
Our apps were selected by EduApps in their school tools y (both from Spain) recommend “Lee Paso a Paso” to help with dyslexia problem
Lee Paso a Paso and Things to Learn were selected by Appitic inside their educational apps lists
Apps of the week – by UnoNews
Logopedia’s and Autism Apps
Logopedia’s Apps – from (by Laura Martínez)
Recommends “Lee Paso a Paso”, “Lee Paso a Paso 2” y “Sopa de Sílabas” for Phonetics and Syllable Conscious.
This article was suggested by “Autismo Madrid” too. This organization supports people with autism at Madrid, Spain.
This digital magazine also recommend our three apps. recommends “Lee Paso a Paso” for kids with different abilities
New Bloggers recommends our apps (Thank you !)
We found a couple of new bloggers to suggest our apps to their educational activities.
Alberto Abarca with his blog “educational resource for learning the language” called “9 Letters” says:
“A few weeks ago I was commenting here the increasingly frequent use of tablets calls within the educational framework. Today the link from a page that leave you can find some useful applications …
Martha in his blog “The Flight of the Butterflies” includes “Lee Paso a Paso 2” as a tool for literacy exercises.
Lee Paso a Paso 2 also was included in Smart Academy education project
Things to Learn first anniversary !
Thanks for your support, we added new features for our digital kids.
* Added ability to select a photo for the user in users profiles (Thanks for your feedback).
* Now you can add videos to tests.
* Reduce app size by eliminating add words from list dictionary. The decision was taken because the app has Text to Speech option. Please give us feedback if anyone misses this feature.
* Added configurable promotion screen.
* Redesign the settings screen.
Additionally we update the app icon.